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TFE’s Pricing Structure on Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces require a clear understanding of the pricing structure for products. This article aims to simplify the multi-layered pricing model on these platforms and how TFE has the pricing structure implemented.

The Pricing Ladder

Purchase Price

The first on the pricing ladder is the Purchase Price. This is the cost at which the product is procured from the supplier, forming the base for all subsequent costs.

TFE Commission

The next step is the TFE Commission. This is a fee that charges for facilitating the sale. It’s an essential part of the pricing structure when selling through

Marketplace Commission

Climbing further, we encounter the Marketplace Commission. This is a fee imposed by the online marketplace platform for hosting the product listing. It’s a crucial income source for the platform and varies based on the platform’s policies and the product category.

Warehousing Costs

Next, we have the Warehousing Costs. These include Goods-In, Storage, Pick, Pack, and other surcharges associated with storing and handling the product. These costs, often overlooked, significantly contribute to the final price structure.

Shipping Costs

Shipping Costs are then added to account for the expense of delivering the product to the end customer. These costs can vary widely based on the product’s size, weight, and delivery location.


Taxes form the next rung. These are applicable based on the product, location, and other factors. Governed by local and international laws, taxes can significantly impact the final price.

Sales Price

The top rung of the ladder is the Sales Price, which is the total cost that the end customer pays. This price includes all the above components and ensures that all costs are covered while maintaining a profit margin.

Visual Breakdown of the Price Structure

Here’s a visual breakdown of the price structure:

Price ComponentDescription
Purchase PriceThe cost at which the product is bought from the supplier.
+ TFE CommissionA fee that charges for facilitating the sale.
+ Marketplace CommissionA fee charged by the online marketplace platform for hosting the product listing.
+ Warehousing CostsCosts associated with storing and handling the product, including Goods-In, Storage, Pick, Pack, and other surcharges.
+ Shipping CostsThe expense of delivering the product to the end customer.
+ TaxesApplicable taxes based on the product, location, and other factors.
Sales Price (End Customer Pays)The total cost that the end customer pays, which includes all the above components.

Pricing Strategy

It’s important to note that the pricing strategy may vary based on factors like competition, marginal costs, network effect, and the type of marketplace. Regular monitoring and adjustments are crucial to maximize profits and stay competitive.

Delivering prices to TFE

An important aspect of’s service is the use of the Datahub software. This advanced tool can calculate Sales prices based on Purchase prices, or vice versa, create Purchase Prices based on Sales Prices. It’s a powerful feature that allows sellers to easily determine their pricing strategy, taking into account all the components of the pricing structure.

Do you want to send us prices? Do so here:


In conclusion, understanding the pricing structure for products on online marketplaces, including the role of, is a complex but essential aspect of online selling. By breaking down the price into its various components, sellers can better strategize their pricing, and buyers can make more informed purchasing decisions.

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